The PAA is the first global digital trade alliance that aims to promote and provide secure, trusted, reliable and value-adding IT infrastructure and facilities for efficient global trade and logistics. Combined membership of the parties now exceeds 400,000 organizations, representing almost all active trading enterprises in the Asian market.
The PAA was founded in July 2000 by CrimsonLogic (Singapore), TRADE-VAN Information Services Co. (Taiwan), and Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited (Hong Kong SAR).
More memberships were subsequently received and accepted from Korea Trade Network, KTNET (Korea) followed by China International Electronic Commerce Centre, CIECC (China), Nippon Automated Cargo And Port Consolidated System, Inc. (Japan), Dagang Net (Malaysia), National Telecom (Thailand), PT EDI (Indonesia), InterCommerce (Philippines), Kale Logistics (India), TradeWindow (New Zealand) and Conex (France). Also PAA welcomed associate members from E&P International (China), TradeWaltz (Japan), Pakistan Single Window (Pakistan), Tabadul (Saudi Arabia), Gainde 2000 (Senegal), and FPT Information System Corporation (Vietnam). PAA is now comprised of nineteen members.
The alliance aims to promote and provide secure, trusted, reliable and value-adding IT infrastructure and facilities to enhance seamless trade globally. Businesses from the participating economies can look forward to uninterrupted cross-border trading, with ready acceptance of cross-border approvals and certification policy, secure and reliable paperless trade and transactions, and the convenience of working with the Alliance as a single point of contact.
Any organisations sharing the mission and interested in the common objectives of the Alliance may wish to apply for admission into PAA.
Combined customer base of the PAA Members now exceeds 400,000 organizations, representing almost all active trading enterprises in the Asian market.
PAA provides a set of service offerings, that are built around international technical standards, secure technology and supported by a a comprehensive legal framework.
Global Collaboration
PAA continuously extends its collaboration with other international organizations specializing in paperless trading. As a pioneer in realizing cross border paperless trade and transactions, PAA was accorded official guest status in the APEC ECSG (Electronic Commerce Steering Group) in year 2004. In the same year, PAA was also invited to join AFACT, the Asia arm of UN/CEFACT as associate member.
In addition, PAA members have also expanded their service scope to facilitate paperless trading such as, between Asia and EUROPE via ASEAL (Asia Europe Alliance for Paperless Trading); participation in the IATA e-Freight pilot project; and contribution to the ASEAN Single Window initiative.