PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (EDII) was established on June 1, 1995 as a pioneer company in developing and implementing electronic data interchange services in Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Providing various e-business solution for more than 24 years, EDII is the leader of trade facilitator service provider for government, port, state-owned company, bank, and private sector. Awarded ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management and ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management, prove EDII's commitment to give ultimate services for customers. EDII provides services ranging from EC/EDI Value Added Networks (VAN) with maximum security protection, EC/EDI Consultancy, System Implementation and Integration, EC/EDI Training. And our Solution such as: Electronic Data Interchange, Trade Facilitator, Logistics Community Forum, IT Consultant, and Share Registrar. EDII's subscribers are corporate with various fields, such as export/import, shipping lines, bank, pharmacy and retailer, insurance, and automotive.
EDII also involve in application development and infrastructure supporting for Indonesia National Single Window (NSW) system. The NSW system involves the Indonesian Customs (lead agency), the trade community, Government Agencies related to export, import, or transit procedures. EDII played a role as Trade Facilitator in Indonesia, have various product to support trading process, such as:
Delivering a wide range of IT Solution and Services for diverse business with an up to date technology application, such as Business Intelligence Ecosystem, IT Security and Geographic Information System (GIS)
EDII strive to provide the best solution for all by reducing cycle time, avoid human errors, maintain data validity, and cost effective through the implementation of information system together with exchange of information.
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